31 August, 2024

2024 Ngawudu Ultra Marathon

While Nelson has been working up at APT Mitchell Falls 
Wilderness Lodge in the Kimberley, he decided he wanted to do 
something to help the Kandiwal Community. 
He came up with the idea of running an ultra marathon 
to and from the top of Punamii-Unpuu (Mitchell Falls) 
and back to the Community. 
Tomorrow, 1st September, is the big day!
It's going to be 52km navigating rocky, dry and dusty terrain 
in the extreme Kimberley heat which is no small feat.

Nelson and Fabian, one of his co-workers, 
will be running the whole 52km, 
while other co-workers are running a half marathon.
Funds raised from this marathon will be used to help the 
Kandiwal Community improve their lives and make themselves 
self-sufficient. You can read more about it here.
The Kandiwal School kids have all got new running shoes
 for the big event and are very excited to show them off.
 They'll be running alongside Nelson, Fabian and the others 
when they cross the finish line.
Shianne, Shanita and Winston

Lulu, Maya, Kingsley, Djinda and Kimarnie.
The kids and staff from APT have been busy painting signs.

We are so proud of Nelson.
I wish we could be there to cheer him on.
 I'll share some photos of the marathon when I get them.

If you would like to donate to this worthy cause go here.
Thank you for any support you can give. Every little bit helps.

20 August, 2024

2024 Kimberley Outback Adventure (Part 3)

We spent an afternoon visiting the 
Kandiwal Community School. It was so lovely to see all 
the kids again (and meet some new ones). 
Unfortunately, my little shadow from our 2022 visit 
Carmen-Lee, was away with her family.

Sid, the chef at the lodge, was spending his week
off teaching the children to cook. 
Today was pasta day. They all did a fantastic job.
They made enough to feed the mob that night, 
along with Sid's special sauce.
Shianne, Shanita, Winston and Sid.
Scones for afternoon tea with the community and staff. 
Nelson has some very lovely workmates 
and they all made Noel and I feel part of the family.
All too soon it was time to say goodbye to Nelson. 
We spent eleven days with Nelson and it was very special
 to spend time with him at this wonderful place.

We caught the mail plane back to Kununurra.
The Wilderness Lodge from the air.
Before we left Kununurra, we went to Lake Argyle 
and did a cruise on the Ord River, finishing off at sunset.
Saw quite a few crocodiles.
This is called Elephant Rock. 
It is just before we got back to Kununurra.
Our friend Megan had climbed Elephant Rock and
 she filmed us coming down the river.

We then started the long drive home. 
Spent another night at Daly Waters.
Instead of driving back down the centre of Australia, 
we headed over to Queensland and came down that way.
Emus at Longreach. We only had a short stop 
here as we were on a time schedule. 
We had to get back in time for me to re-pack 
and head off on NOTYQ retreat!
We will definitely come back here as
 there is so much to see and do. 
Stopped at the Walkabout Creek Hotel. 
This is where they filmed some of Crocodile Dundee.
With Mick Dundee!
Walkabout Creek Hotel.
We came through Corowa and had a quick visit 
with Sharmayne from Country Fragrance.
After driving over 10,000kms through 6 states and 1 territory, 
we arrived back home from our road trip to the Kimberley. 
We had such a fabulous trip and it was very special 
spending time with Nelson up there. 
I hope you've enjoyed a snapshot of our trip.

19 August, 2024

2024 Kimberley Outback Adventure (Part 2)

Nelson and Paula told us they had organised a 
special treat for us and what a treat it was!

We were helicoptered up to Swift Bay and 
had the whole place to ourselves for about 5 hours.
It was a 15 minute flight from Mitchell Falls.

Those are all our footprints! 
That is the beach we were on. 
Nelson took a great video of the whole area. 
You can see it here as once again it is too large for blogger.

Swift Bay.

Surveyors Pool. 

There was a freshwater crocodile floating around down there!

Sunset at Mitchell Plateau airstrip.

The moon coming up behind us at the airstrip.

Jazzlyn took us out for the morning on her day 
off as Nelson was back at work. 
We went to an area called Yalgi. 
Here is what she called "the rainforest". 
Certainly not like any rainforest we know! 

Snappy, Nelson's travel buddy!
That's a Bulamana on the road ahead. 

A Kimberley Rose.

18 August, 2024

2024 Kimberley Outback Adventure (Part 1)

So much for our first trip in the new caravan going 
somewhere to stay in one spot for a week or two!
Off we headed to the Kimberley to see Nelson. 
Headed over to South Australia, then up the middle to
the Northern Territory and just over
 the Western Australia border to Kununurra.
Spent an interesting couple of days at Daly Waters
 (Northern Territory) where life revolves around the pub!
Cattle, horses, donkeys, goats and even a pig 
roam freely around the pub and in the caravan park.
If you leave your bra at the bar, you get a free drink!

We enjoyed one of their world famous "Beef'N'Barra dinners.
Spent a few hours enjoying cold beer while 
listening to the great live entertainment.
 I even managed a little stitching while enjoying the
 entertainment (no beer was drunk while stitching!).

Stayed two nights at Mataranka and
spent time in the thermal springs.
Hiked up Katherine Gorge.
Finally got to see my boy after three and a half months!
Nelson is working at the APT Mitchell Falls Wilderness Lodge. 
Our niece Paula, who was working at the Kandiwal 
Community School when we went in 2022, 
is now working with Nelson.
 It was their week off and they came to pick us up. 
We left our car and caravan in 
Kununurra as we couldn't take them on 
the infamous Gibb River Road.
Breakfast at Kununurra before picking up supplies 
for the trip back to Mitchell Falls.
The Kununurra end of the Gibb River Road. 
Our last trip we started at the Broome end. 
So now we have done the whole Gibb River Road.
If you haven't heard of the Gibb, it is a very, very 
rough road only accessible with a 4wd!
Stopped at Ellenbrae Station for the night. 
Had some of their famous scones. 
They are trying to break last year's record of 22,000 
scones sold over the dry season!
I forget how many thousands they are up to.
 Noel and I were lucky enough to enjoy one of 
their outdoor baths under the stars!
Sunset at the Ellenbrae Airstrip. If you zoom right in, 
you can see our cars at the end of the strip.
Enjoying the sunset with a wine! 
Nelson has a drone and got some great photos and videos!
You have to drive across the Pentecost River.
Yes, there are crocodiles in there!
On the other side of the Pentecost River. 
We have a great film of us crossing from above and in the car.
Noel drove across so Nelson could fly his drone.
They are too large for blogger but you can see them here and here.
Stopped at King Edward River, Munurru.
We camped at Mitchell Falls for a couple of days. 
Nelson slept in his hammock while we slept in his rooftop tent.
It was great to see Jazzlyn and we listened in on 
one of her tours on the hike up to Mitchell Falls.
The hike up to the falls is well worth it 
when you get a view like this!
 We actually came in from the top of the falls.
This is from the top looking down.
We were lucky enough to see some Monjon. 

They are the smallest species of
 rock-wallaby found in northwestern Australia.