03 September, 2024

2024 Ngawudu Ultra Marathon - They Did It!

They did it! 
In that hot dusty and rocky terrain, 
Nelson and Fabian ran the whole 52kms!
The boys started at 4.30am in the dark! 
With lights on their heads, they ran from the 
Mitchell Falls campground up to the 
top of the falls and back down.
Then the big loop to the Kandiwal Community and 
back to the campground. 
You can see where they ran above.
 By the end of the marathon, the temperature was about 35oC!

Heading towards the finishing line.
 I love the big smile on Nelson's face.
Crossing the finishing line!
Not a bad effort for Nelson's first marathon!
Little Shanton coming from behind.

Everyone who took part in the event. 
APT staff, members of the Kandiwal Community.
From running to making signs and cheering everyone on.
After nearly 7 hours it was done!
Having a well deserved rest.

Enjoying some vegemite toast later that night. 
He's looking a bit tired! 
Nelson said he slept like a log Sunday night.
He felt good Monday, just had sore quads.
The community killed and cooked up a 
freshwater crocodile as a thank you gift to the 
APT staff for all their efforts.
It's not something they do for everyone 
so it was a very special dinner.
I asked Nelson what he thought of the crocodile. 
His reply: "I wasn’t the biggest fan.
I prefer salt water crocodile to be honest"

Nelson and Fabian were interviewed 
by radio ABC Kimberley. 
You can hear them talking about the Marathon
 around the 1 hour, 7 minute mark.
 The link is here

We are so proud of Nelson and all the others.
They have raised around $40,000.
What an amazing effort!

01 September, 2024

2024 Chookshed Challenge - July and August

As you can see, I am a couple of months behind with my 
challenge reports due to our road trip to the Kimberley.
Project # 1 was the July project.

 I changed my project #1 to work on my road trip rugs. 
I originally had making some tea towel aprons on my list 
but that wasn't going to work while I was away.
I am lucky that I can crochet in the car and driving over 
10,000kms gave me a lot of time to work on my rugs.

Although it looks black, it is actually navy.
I was hoping to finish my navy blue and white rug 
but I was one ball of navy wool short.
I had also taken wool to start another rug on the trip. 
A much prettier one this time.

I made a rectangle granny instead of square.

This is more true to the colours.

My project #3 was to work on my much 
neglected Tilda hexagon quilt.

We arrived home from our trip 2 days before 
I was to head off to NOTYQ retreat. 
Just enough time to unpack, 
do the washing and repack for retreat!

When I got back to Victoria I was able to get to Spotlight 
to buy some more wool to finish the navy rug. 
I had also decided to make the rainbow rug a bit bigger 
and needed to get another ball of that as well.
So both rugs were finished at retreat, 
along with stitching more hexagons together.