30 June, 2024

Chookshed Stitcher 2024 Challenge - June

Time to share my June project. 
My project #10 was to start my Sunny Days bunting.
We have been very busy but I did manage to make a start.
There are seven flags to stitch.
 First one finished.

I finished the second one and made a start on the third.
Lucky me won two raffle prizes!
Tomorrow Deana will draw out the next project number. 
By the time she does, Noel and I will be heading 
off on our new road trip to the Kimberley to visit Nelson.
 So whatever project number Deana draws out, 
I'll be changing mine to my latest road trip rug!
With over 4,000km each way, 
I should get my navy and white one finished. 
I've bought some more wool to start another rug. 
A pretty one this time!
After all that travelling we did last year, 
we had planned to take our new caravan and 
just spend a week or two in one spot! 
So much for that plan! 
We are heading up to Kununurra where Nelson will pick 
us up and drive us to Mitchell Falls Wilderness Lodge 
where he is working for the dry season. 
The kids at the Kandiwal aboriginal community 
(where we stayed in 2022) is next to the lodge and 
they are very excited that we are coming back.
I'll have lots of photos to share when we get home.


ButterZ said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy every minute. Have fun crocheting

loulee said...

All progress is good progress. Have a great trip and have fun with your crochet.

dq said...

Congratulations on your progress. The bunting is so pretty. I haven't seen one like it.

Have a fabulous trip! I have to do handwork mostly this month as well. It is good that number was drawn.

Maria said...

You make a great start on the bunting and will be pretty when done.
You’ll enjoy your rug making on your road trip.
Happy and safe travels.🤗

Karen S said...

The bunting is lovely and those raffle prizes are really good too.
Have a wonderful trip.

Ondrea said...

Gorgeous stitcheries. Hope your travelling is going well and lots of crochet is being done. Keep safe.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

Your bunting is darling! Looks like you had a beautiful wedding in your family too! Your trip sounds amazing and nothing like crochet when you're traveling. Have a wonderful and safe journey!