20 June, 2024

A Couple of Hound Dogs!

Now that they have been gifted, 
I can finally share these hound dogs.
 I made them for our two favourite little neighbours, 
Bernard and Eugene.
Made for their first birthday.
I made them at Scrub Stitchin'. 
The boys were lucky to get them as they were
 kidnapped, or should that be dognapped,
by naughty Jenny
Jenny hid them behind this quilt.


01 June, 2024

Chookshed Stitcher 2024 Challenge - May

Time to share my May project. 
My project #5 was to make a Tilda cushion.

It's still a work in progress. 
I worked on it today while zooming with the girls.

Rex popped in to say hello to everyone!

As it's the 1st June, it was time for Deana to
 announce our June project. 
My project #10 is to start my Sunny Days bunting.