25 January, 2011

One potato, two potato, three potato, four!

Today Austin, Nelson and I harvested our first potato crop.I think I only planted about 8 seed potatoes and this is what we dug up. They weighed about 17.5kg. I don't know if this is a good amount but we were very pleased with it. Everytime we thought we had finished we'd find more potatoes!Even Ginger came in to help. Next job is to pick the silverbeet. Still waiting on the tomatoes to turn red!

24 January, 2011

When is an op shop find, not an op shop find?

When you clean out your parents shed which hasn't been touched in years!
This dirty, moth-eaten, horrible box was way down the back.
But look what was inside.A glass dessert set. This was a wedding present to my parents over
48 years ago! I don't think it was ever used.
The spoons were very tarnished. I've only tried cleaning them once
so far using the tin foil/bi carb soda boiling method.
They didn't come up too bad for a first go.Here's the set all nice and clean.No-one can ever remember seeing this cookie jar so who
knows where it came from!A cute little chicken pot holder, still with it's tag.A sweet little vase.Do you remember Holly Hobby? Here's my money box. I just loved Holly Hobby when I was younger. This mug wasn't in the shed but I thought I'd show you it anyway. It's been in my cup drawer forever!
It would now be over 30 years old.And last but not least, this very cute(?) duck toothpick holder. Just the thing for those pre-dinner cheese and kabana nibblies!

22 January, 2011

A Trip To The Aquarium And Some Vintage Lace!

The boys and I headed to Melbourne Aquarium for a day out. We could have spent hours just watching the penguins. They are so cute!Nelson getting up close and personal!Some hands on!
After sitting by the Yarra River to eat lunch, and with a bit of bribery
(ice creams), the boys agreed to let me go the the Lace in Fashion exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.
They found a nice shady place in the lovely gardens of the gallery while I headed inside. The lace exhibition was from the 17th to 20th centuries.Photos above from NGV International
This night shirt was from the late 1600's. There are very few that have survived as any good sections of them were cut up to make new items. Just look at the beautiful inserts in the sleeves.Sorry about the quality of the photos (no flash). Unfortunately, when I went to get a copy of the catalogue, they had sold out the day before! It would have been lovely to have all the photos and information to read up on. Oh well, next time I won't leave it until near the end of the exhibition!

10 January, 2011

Nelson in Nelson!

Over the New Year, Nelson went to Nelson on a camping trip with the neighbours. Nelson (the town) is near the South Australian/Victorian border. Nelson (the boy) was pretty excited seeing his name everywhere!
He really liked this sign! His head is hiding the word "in".
This is where he was standing.
Nelson and Callum kayaking at Nelson beach.They camped in the Lower Glenelg National Park.
Now kayaking on the river.
It was Nelson's first time kayaking and he picked it up very
quickly and was soon into the flow of it.One day they went to the Princess Margaret Rose Caves.
Here's Nelson at the entrance. And the two rascals inside the cave!By the looks of it, they all had a wonderful time.
Nelson came home exhausted but happy.
It was very strange not having him home for nearly a week.

07 January, 2011

Green Bags!

Last month I won a Green Bag Lady shopping bag on the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day. It is bag number 13,518, made with Amy Butler fabric.
I also received another bag cut out, all ready to be sewn up for me to give someone else.
It was so quick to whip up. I did most of it on the over-locker. Here's my finished one. You can find the instructions here. I will certainly make some more of these.
The bags fold up nicely to put into you handbag, so you'll be able to say "no, thank you" when asked if you'd like a plastic bag!

06 January, 2011

If You Have To Do The Washing, Do It With style!

I found this gorgeous fabric and thought it would be perfect for a new
peg bag for my washing trolley.
No more plastic peg bag for me!

05 January, 2011


Noel and the boys went on an overnight camp to the Cathedral Range State Park. As you can see by the photos, they had a good time.
A river to play in!
Why do boys always want to poke at fires?
Noel relaxing!
I stayed home and had a good time too - sewing!
Will show you another time what I was working on.