31 August, 2024

2024 Ngawudu Ultra Marathon

While Nelson has been working up at APT Mitchell Falls 
Wilderness Lodge in the Kimberley, he decided he wanted to do 
something to help the Kandiwal Community. 
He came up with the idea of running an ultra marathon 
to and from the top of Punamii-Unpuu (Mitchell Falls) 
and back to the Community. 
Tomorrow, 1st September, is the big day!
It's going to be 52km navigating rocky, dry and dusty terrain 
in the extreme Kimberley heat which is no small feat.

Nelson and Fabian, one of his co-workers, 
will be running the whole 52km, 
while other co-workers are running a half marathon.
Funds raised from this marathon will be used to help the 
Kandiwal Community improve their lives and make themselves 
self-sufficient. You can read more about it here.
The Kandiwal School kids have all got new running shoes
 for the big event and are very excited to show them off.
 They'll be running alongside Nelson, Fabian and the others 
when they cross the finish line.
Shianne, Shanita and Winston

Lulu, Maya, Kingsley, Djinda and Kimarnie.
The kids and staff from APT have been busy painting signs.

We are so proud of Nelson.
I wish we could be there to cheer him on.
 I'll share some photos of the marathon when I get them.

If you would like to donate to this worthy cause go here.
Thank you for any support you can give. Every little bit helps.

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