Last Sunday was a wet day at the footy. The fields where Mitchell and Nelson played weren't too bad but......

Austin played at Yarrambat in all the mud. The photos don't show the mud as much as it was in person. You can see where he took off his socks to reveal nice clean shins!

Although he was very muddy, some of the other boys were a lot muddier. You couldn't see some of the numbers on the back of their jumpers.

I made Austin get into the shower to try to wash some of the mud off his clothes. I then made him keep stomping on them as he was washing himself. You should have seen the bottom of the shower! (Sorry the photos are a funny colour. We had the bathroom heater lights on).
I keep looking on the bright side of having boys play football. I don't have girls that I have to make costumes for with thousands of sequins!
Rory looked exactly like this - his Auskick is on Sunday mornings, and he wears the hawthorn colours.
Any tips for getting his gear clean?
Hi Christine
Thank you so much for leaving a message on my blog. I quilt mostly by hand though I'm doing a bit of machinequilting these days. I love almost all the Australian quiltdesigns. I just finished an Angels Story too.
Our football, your soccer, is lots less muddier than your football btw lol.
Kind regards,
We have three girls and they looked just like yur boys do The girls played Hockey at Stead Park in Geelong.
I surfed in from another post and it bought a smile to my face to see Diamond Creek, I had a friend who was a bit of a wag and used to call Diamond Creek Ruby River, we used to to there for our Sunday school picnics from Ivanhoe many many years ago.
Oh bless him, I bet he had fun. How was the car seat!!!!
Have a great week Christine.
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