05 December, 2024

Exciting News!

When we got back from our Kimberley trip, 
Austin and Paris gave us this bottle of champagne.
Best fine print we've ever seen!
We are going to be grandparents! YAY!

Last month we had a "Parents To Bee" baby shower.
I made this tummy time quilt for the baby.
My lovely quilter Leanne squeezed me in so I could 
have it finished in time for the shower. 
I think Austin and Paris were surprised that I'd 
had time to make one before the baby shower as I'd been
very busy with the quilt show and going away.
I found this gorgeous poodle and thought it was perfect. 
The green is the colour of the nursery with a poodle theme.
How cute is the quilting!


Julie said...

That is wonderful & such special news Christine. Not long now to go . Isn't it great when we get to know the gender so we can sew for him/her & I think your poodle quilt is absolutely perfect!! xx

mamayayahomemade said...

How absolutely WONDERFUL. Congratulations to you all and welcome to the best club in the world xxxxxxxx

kiwikid said...

Congartulations!! That is great news and your quilt is perfect Christine!

Maria said...

Enjoy the special time.

Lin said...

Congratulations! What lovely news - and a gorgeous quilt. xx

Karen S said...

That is very exciting news. Congratulations.
And that is a lovely quilt. Gorgeous colour.

Chookyblue...... said...

Not long to go now....... So exciting.....