27 January, 2025

Something Different - A Christmas Wreath!

A group of my friends, the Chit Chat Crafters, 
decided we were going to make Christmas wreaths. 
We planned to make them for Christmas 2023 
but it just never happened. Then we planned to make 
them last November ready for Christmas 2024 
but that didn't happen either! 
A couple of weeks ago we finally managed to make them!
This is what we started out with along with a range of baubles.
My finished wreath.

A close up of my little birds.

Everyone's finished wreaths
all ready for Christmas 2025!

 It was a lot of fun making these.


Maria said...

The birds look lovely on your wreath …
Ready for 2025…

Lin said...

Gorgeous wreath! I love the different baubles and the little birds. xx

kiwikid said...

Very nice and ready early for this Christmas! Well done.

Karen S said...

I think January is the perfect time to make Christmas items. No rush and no pressure! They look wonderful.

Janice said...

Very organised. They all turned out beautifully. Now to make sure you put it somewhere easy to find in the lead up to Christmas.

Narelle said...

Lovely and festive!